Our activity team plans and coordinates daily programs, events, and social opportunities. A variety of large and small groups meet for education, exercise, discussion, creative expression, entertainment, and recreational purposes. Regularly scheduled religious activities are also available to help meet the spiritual needs of those we serve. For those residents who are not inclined to participate in groups, we offer one-to-one activities to meet a variety of interests.
Crossroads Café
Located centrally between our resident neighborhoods, the Crossroads Café is the social center of our facility, and is often busy with friends having coffee, visiting, or playing cards and games. It is open to all residents, family members, guests, and visitors. Vending machines are also available.
Beauty Salon
We have a licensed full-service salon, staffed by two skilled beauty operators, to provide a variety of hair care services for our residents, both male and female. Residents receive routine hair care, such as haircuts and shampoo sets, as part of their daily care rate. Other salon services are available at a modest cost.
Our cozy library is well-supplied with books of all genres, many of which are available in large print. An electronic magnifier is available for those who have significant vision impairment. The library offers residents a quiet place to relax with a good book, read the newspaper, or use the computer.
Wireless internet is available to everyone throughout the facility at no charge. The computer located in our library is available 24/7 for all residents who wish to make use of it.
Meeting and Family Spaces
We have several common spaces where residents can gather with their families, friends, and guests. These include two comfortable family rooms which are furnished with a small dining table, couch, chairs, and TV. Our conference room is available by prior arrangement for family functions or organizational meetings.
Transport Center
The transportation center provides a climate-controlled environment for boarding and exiting the SMP Health – Ave Maria bus or the local transit bus, and for getting in and out of private vehicles. This is a major comfort amenity for our residents, particularly during the winter and/or in inclement weather.
McCoy Family Suite
The McCoy Family Suite provides a quiet, private, and comfortable space for a resident to spend time with loved ones in the time leading up to the end of the resident’s life.