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Other Services

In addition to our hospital services and specialty medicine, we offer mental health services, sleep disorder testing, and diabetes education consulting. We also allow the public to use our Wellness Center. Find more information below.

Mental Health Services

SMP Health – St. Aloisius is a member of the Rural Mental Health Consortium, an organization dedicated to helping those with mental health issues.

  • Assessment
  • Consulting for individuals
  • Psychiatric prescriptive services
  • Testing/evaluation
  • Prevention
  • Education
  • School consultation for children

If you or a loved one needs urgent mental health attention, please call 911.

Sleep Disorder Testing

SMP Health – St. Aloisius enlists Winmar Diagnostics to provide outreach sleep disorder testing to diagnose and treat sleep apnea.

  • Falling asleep too early, often while watching television or in a social setting
  • Feeling drowsy during the day even after a full night of sleep
  • Snoring at night
  • Awaking suddenly at night gasping for breath
  • Waking up with chronic headaches and a groggy feeling
  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Weight loss
  • The application of continuous positive airway pressure during sleep
  • Medication
  • In some cases, surgical intervention

Patients are able to stay within their community, and their physician will manage their care. This treatment requires a physician’s referral.

Diabetes Education

This is an American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) accredited program focused on giving participants individualized education plans in order to provide the knowledge, skills, and tools needed for successful diabetes self-management. Group sessions and one-on-one sessions are available.

For more information please contact Sarah Gregg, RN at 701 324-4769 Ext. 5416.

Wellness Center

In support of cardiac health, the wellness center is open to the public for a monthly fee (Blue Cross Blue Shield discount may apply).

Couple$35/mo$15 for spouse
Family$40/mo$3 daily fee
Advance$50/3 mo


Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 1-9pm
Tuesday – Thursday, 6-9pm

Not open on weekends.  Cardiac Rehab and Physical Therapy patients have priority use of the equipment.


Our team of healthcare professionals is ready to help you every step of the way.