Promulgated by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, the Ethical and Religious Directives (ERD) for Catholic Health Care Services serves as a normative guide for all Catholic-sponsored healthcare systems. The ERD provides Catholic healthcare systems with authoritative guidance and instruction on matters central to the Catholic healthcare ministry.
The ERD is made up of a preamble, introduction, and six parts, each with an important theological introduction, followed by numbered directives. Some themes from the six parts include the following:
The Social Responsibility of Catholic Health Care Services
- Human dignity and sacredness of human life
- Rights of the human person, including right to adequate health care
- Biblical mandate to care for the poor, including social advocacy
- Advancing the common good and stewardship of resources
The Pastoral and Spiritual Responsibility of Catholic Health Care
- Community of healing and compassion
- Embracing physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimension of the human person
- Spiritual care as encompassing a full range of spiritual services
The Professional-Patient Relationship
- Interpersonal relationship requiring mutual respect, trust, honesty, and confidentiality
- Rights and responsibilities
- Participation in informed decision-making
Issues in Care for the Beginning of Life
- Sanctity of human life from conception to natural death
- Responsible parenthood
- Care of women and children
Issues in Care for the Dying
- Compassion and care for the dying
- Pain management, spiritual care, respect, and love
- Christian meaning of life, suffering, and death
Forming New Partnerships
- Maintaining the integrity of our mission
- Providing witness to religious and ethical commitments
- Advancing care for the poor and responsible stewardship