We offer a variety of professional healthcare services to meet your unique needs. Some of these services include physical therapy, routine doctor visits, mental health services and more. Our resident staff and visiting specialists have the qualifications and commitment to effectively care for our patients and will be with them each step of the way.
Catholic Healthcare North Dakota
Our healthcare professionals provide quality of care through skilled services to meet physical, social, psychological and spiritual needs. Our experienced staff members are dedicated to learning their patients’ needs, likes and habits.

We Are Proud Of The Services We Offer
Our resident staff and visiting specialists have the qualifications and commitment to effectively care for our patients and will be with them each step of the way.
ALERT: If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.
- Emergency Services
- 24/7 Emergency Room
- Air transportation
- Emergency physicians
- Comfort Care
- Home-like hospital suites
- For terminally or critically ill patients
- Patient & family rooms
- Clinic
- Primary care services
- Radiology
- Ultrasound
- X-ray
- Cat Scan
- Fluorscopy
- Digital Mammography
- DEXA Imaging
- Nuclear Medicine
- Dietary
- Nutritional assessment
- Education
- Personal dietary consultation
- Orthopedics
- Podiatry
- Urology
- Dermatology
- Obstetrics
- Gynecology
- IV Therapy
- Mental Health Services via Rural Mental Health Consortium
- Laboratory
Our laboratory, with the Laboratory Information System (LIS), provides accurate testing of blood and body fluids to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. LIS offers order entry and a return of results for convenience and accuracy.- Coagulation
- Hematology
- Urinalysis
- Chemistry
- Immunoassay
- Cardiac markers
- Immunohematology (blood bank)
- Chemistry testing
- Comprehensive metabolic testing
- Therapeutic drug testing
- Toxicology testing
- Alcohol and drug screening
- Telemedicine
- Use of interactive video that allows the healthcare provider to communicate with their patients who are in another location.
- General Surgery
- Oncology/Hematology
- Swing Bed Program
- Cardiology
- Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is designed to help restore respiratory and cardiac functions in individuals with exercise, diet, and close monitoring.
- Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
- Pastoral Care
- Social services
- Spiritual & religious services
- On-call pastoral care available
- Parish Priest available to administer the Sacrament of the Sick
- Pharmacy
- 24/7 pharmacist consultation
- Emergency prescription filling
- General preparation & distribution of prescriptions
- Physical Therapy
- Examine & evaluate musculoskeletal system
- Personalized care plan
- Respiratory Therapy
- Chest Physiotherapy
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- Aerosol therapy
- Oxygen therapy
- Gas therapy
- Social Services/Utilization Review
- Financial arrangements
- Child welfare
- Healthcare benefits
- Outpatient consulting
- Elderly services
- Hospitality care
- Discharge planning
- Post-hospital care
- Terminal or critical illness support
- Mental health counseling and therapy
- Alcohol & addiction support