Welcome to SMP Health!
Since 1903, when the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation opened their first hospital in the United States, they have been dedicated to meeting the needs of their communities by providing compassionate, holistic care for all. Inspired by Jesus’ own healing mission, these heroic women laid the foundations of what would become SMP Health. Today, stretched across central and eastern North Dakota, our ministries include three critical access hospitals and six nursing homes, all of which are dedicated to providing the same compassionate care for the whole person – body, mind, and spirit.
As a Catholic health system, and part of a faith-based healing ministry that goes back over two thousand years, we take seriously our call to uphold the inherent dignity of all who come to us for care, and are honored to do so in the spirit of our founders, the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation. Whether you’re seeking care or would like to join us in this mission, I invite you to explore our website, and learn about our heritage, our ministries, and the many ways in which we serve our communities.
JT Kennelly
President & CEO